Hi everyone,  

Today is all about STUDSSSS!
I mean that shit is so awesome I'm in love it y'all!

You know what.. Just take a second, take a deep breath and close ya eyes..
And imangine yourself wearing fabulous high heels with STUDS or even better if you're a sneaker fan imagine that shit with STUDS. 

Wait, here are some pics y'all def gon love it!

So.. you see you can wear it with almost anything.
I personally am in love with studs and no I'm not obsessed about it :D I just love itt!

I love how you can combinate it with your shorts, shoes, heels, shirts, even your nails how freeking amazing is this?? :D

Well, enough studss today right? So let me know what you think about it and  feel free to comment..

Much love B 

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